4.4-mile Great
Chesapeake Bay Swim (GCBS) is an annual event that is usually scheduled for the second
Sunday of June. The race begins from the shore of Sandy Point State Park, which is
about 5 miles northeast of Annapolis, extends eastward between the two spans of the
Chesapeake Bay Bridges (U.S. Highway 50), and finishes on Kent Island immediately south of
the Bridges eastern-shore causeway.
A 1-Mile Chesapeake Bay
Challenge swim consists of a course starting and ending at the sandy beach adjacent to the
Bay Bridge Marina on the eastern shore immediately south of the Bay Bridges. The
event is coincidental with the GCBS, and the two events start
approximately the same time at the different ends of the Bay Bridges.
Entry to the
4.4-mile and 1-mile events are managed by
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